Il 2007 e le novità in Europa

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3 risposte

  1. paolo manzelli scrive:

    PARTNER REQUEST food science & consumers PARTNER REQUEST Ref. FT_01_KBBE_2007_1 call : call : KBBE-2007-2-1-01 (NoE ) . Title : “Consumer Science Inn-Ovation – Open Network for New Science” Acronym CSI-ONNS Description MISSION : “European Virtual Centre” Organization bridging food-science & consumers. – Knowledge Based Bio-Economy requires a coherent long-term vision and food-consumers consensus. Europe cannot afford to focus exclusively on the scientific and research aspects to the detriment of social dialogue so as to ensure that science delivers what people need and complies with an acceptable ethical consensus. The aim of the project is to establish a networking European community and to develop a complex multi-disciplinary research to rebuilt confidence among Scientists and Consumers about the importance of improving good conscious nutrition and dietary styles and its relationship with new knowledge and new working methods of food production especially focusing neurological and genetic advanced knowledge impact on the consumer perception changes. The project propose to aggregate an "Eeropean Virtual Center on Food Science & Consumers" to produce a continuous progress beyond the state of the art, joining European scientists with consumers. The main goal of this "EVC" will be based on the following issues that are of proprietary relevance in order to reach large audience in European food-consumers and to support the building of Knowledge Based Bio-Economy: 1. favouring conscious consumer satisfactions on basic needs of nutrition by means innovative dietary strategies; 2. enhancing soundness R&D concepts and information about quality and safety of foods production "from fork to farm"; 3. developing consumer’s permanent education on functional foods, novel foods, and GMO in a healthy agricultural environment; 4. facilitating easy food choices through disseminating innovative labelling methods; 5. revitalizing food knowledge through advanced nutri-genomics to overcome the inadequate and standardized food intake models. European funding source(s): Food Agriculture and Fisheries & Biotechnology – FP7 Cooperation Type of Project: FP7 – Network of Excellence : (Dead: May/02/07) Target partner organisation type(s) Trans-disciplinary food research at University, Research/Technology Centres, Public Organizations, Large Food Company, SME’s Association on Food and Agriculture, Consumer’s Association, Dissemination of Science Companies, Other Target partner expertise sought : Partners interested in the development and dissemination of “KBBE” innovation, particularly oriented to develop new knowledge and new working methods through strengthening consumer science in Europe. The partnership would work in a multidisciplinary and multicultural approach to develop culturally competent methods and novel technologies to elucidate and disseminate to the European Consumers the complex interactions from “Fork to the Farm “ between environmental factors, genes, neurology within the relationship of food nutritional innovation strategies and heath and well being of consumers. Deadline for responses: 28/02/2007 Contact M.Teresa De Mare & Paolo Manzelli Sportello Apre Toscana – Firenze Tecnologia and EGOCREANET Florence University (IT) and

  2. paolo manzelli scrive:

    FP7 FOOD SCIENCE & CONSUMERS EGOCREANET – "PROJECT PROPOSAL" – Presentation for the APRE MEETING ( – Florence ( JAN/12/2007) : P7 – ACTIVITY (2.2) . Farm to Fork Food,Health and Well Being ; Area 2.2.1. Consumers ; Coop. : Network of FOOD CONSUMER SCIENCE IN EUROPE and development and application of social and behavioural sciences to food . Call : KBBE -2007- 1-01. (Dead-Line May/02/2007) . See the call at the Bottom of this proposal. Contents and objectives : strategy consultation . Preliminary approach, open to wellcome partnerschip’s suggestions and changes . Written by Paolo Manzelli : .

  3. Paolo Manzelli scrive:

    SEARCH for PARNERS see: KBBE.2010.2.3-02 Strategies for personalised nutrition facendo seguito al Progetto Europeo CNS-ON-NS Voremmo realizzare il Programma FP7-EU sul teme della NUTRIGENOMICA 2010 vedi : KBBE.2010.2.3-02 Strategies for personalised nutrition Coloro che fossero interessati alla nuova Proposta possono scrivere a paolo manzelli [email protected]

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